Where Does the Time Go?

Where does the time go?  This little handsome man is growing up too quickly.  He chews on anything he can reach.  He specifically loves to pull hair.  His big brother and sister can make him laugh like no one else.  He started sitting up and holding a bottle on his own this week.  He loves to squeal and often sounds like Dori in “Finding Nemo” talking whale.  He sleeps 12 hours at night and is finally becoming a napper.  Give him his thumb and his blanket and he’s a happy boy.  The past 6 months have flown by, just wish I could slow things down a bit and enjoy this sweet baby a little longer.  Happy Memorial Day Weekend!!!

Parker 6 months 3 Parker 6 months 2 Parker 6 months 4 Parker 6 months 5  Parker 6 months 7 Parker 6 months 9

Parker 6 months 12 Parker 6 months 14Parker 6 months 20

Parkers 6 months 13

Parker 6 months 16Parker 6 months 15

Parker 6 months 22


Parker 6 months 21

What You See Is What You Get

It’s refreshing to have someone in your life that when you think of them you can really say, “what you see is what you get.”  That would be this girl!

Anna 5 Anna 6

She is beautiful on the inside and out, real, genuine, honest, and so talented.  When she walks in the room, everyone knows it, and she lights it up

Anna 1

She’s the first to welcome someone new, ensure everyone is included in the group, and ask you how your day is.

Anna 2

She is a true ray of sunshine.  Her laugh is contagious!

Anna 4

Anna 7

Fletcher High School’s newest Drum Major!!

Anna 3

I’m so blessed to know this girl and love getting to see  more glimpses of her heart each time I can steal away some of her busy schedule.

Anna 8

“Oh the places you will go…” –Dr. Seuss

Anna 9

God has big plans for her and I’m just excited to be able to watch from the sideline.

Anna 11“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” –Philippians 4:6-7

Anna 10

Love you AG!!!

You Can Tell You’re a Mom!

To some, that line may be a compliment, others a negative comment making you wish for younger, more single days.  You know, the days where you actually had alone time?  The days where you could turn the radio up without anyone holding their ears telling you it’s too loud.  The days where you turned on your TV and a soap opera or the TLC channel was on, not Dora or Bubble Guppies.  If you’re a mom, you know what I’m talking about.


I often hear that line, especially from teenagers at church, “You can tell you’re a mom.”  It usually comes when they look through my phone and see my pictures and apps.  Or when someone sees the many things I carry in my suit case aka purse.  I always have tissues, crayons, paper to color on, band-aids, and the list goes on and on.  I probably picked that up from my mom who was always super prepared.


I remember the first time someone said that line to me.  I immediately was offended and thought it meant I was old, frumpy, and had totally lost my ability to be hip (meaning I was hip to begin with, at least in my mind).  However, as time has passed, and I am now a mother of three, it is such a compliment.  You bet you can tell I’m a mom!!  That’s because I’m awesome!  I can do things that I never dreamed I could do.


Tanner’s 4th Super Hero Birthday Cake, made compliments of me.

Talk about the longest job description on the planet!!  When you’re a mom, you get to be the driver, the nurse, the cheerleader, the prayer warrior, the cake pop queen, the party planner, the cook, the maid, the laundress, the keeper of the calendar, the lunch maker, the master seamstress, the artist, the BANK, the comedian/entertainer (you know you’ve done embarrassing things to make your kids laugh or stop crying), the coach, the dreamer, and so much more.  But the payment you get for being all of those things, at times may feel a little skimpy, but in the end is the best kind of payment you could ever receive, LOVE!  Those sweet kisses, hugs, and smiles (at least for now)!


I had the honor of taking pictures for my son’s school this week.  I often heard the comment, “You can tell you’re a mom,” and I couldn’t have been more proud.  That’s all I needed to hear to know that I was awesome.  Thanks to the WEE School for allowing me the opportunity to capture these sweet faces.

Josie watermarked Rylee watermarked Wyatt K. watermarked

Miles watermarked Augustin Watermarked Tanner watermarkedLetty's Class WatermarkedVPK Class Watermarked

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mom’s out there, YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

Let’s Build a Tent

I am in love with the look of a tee pee or tent as a photo prop.


Found on fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net

So here in lies my next project!  I can’t wait to build one for a beach photo shoot later this month.


Found on ashleeraubachphotography.blogspot.com

I’m in the process of lining up my models for the shoot.  Send me an e-mail if you’re interested in having your little ones participate.  It’s going to be super cute.  Homemade tent, sand, and surfboards, what??!!!  What’s not to love.  Can’t wait!!!  I’ll post pictures later this month on how I made the tent.


Found on dailywt.com





I’ll love you forever.

Have you bought your wife, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, or special mother in your life a Mother’s Day present yet?  Mother’s Day is only 9 days away, so you better get on it.  If you’re like my husband, you wait until the last minute, but always come through with a special gift.

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It’s funny to hear kids talk around Mother’s Day about all the things their mom does.  The way to my son, Tanner’s, heart is through his stomach.  His favorite line right now is, “This is delicious!  You are the best mommy EVER!!”  What’s a better gift than that, right?

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It’s those sweet moments where your heart just melts and you’re reminded why you wanted to be a mom in the first place.

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Although I love pictures, I have very few of just me and my kiddos.  I hardly ever come out from behind the camera unless it’s a cell phone selfie.

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So if you’re looking for a special last minute Mother’s Day gift this year, feel free to contact me to set up a special Mommy Shoot.  Get that special mother in your life out from behind the camera and into the spotlight.  Let me capture some special moments as her baby, no matter how old they are, grows up way too fast.  My babies are my most favorite people on the planet!  I love Mother’s Day and the reminder of how much I love them and how much I am truly loved.  So, from our favorite book to read together I quote, “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.”


What’s your favorite book to read to your children?



A Familiar Face…

Meet the newest addition to our family, Parker James.  He is the baby of the family in every sense of the word.  He is precious, sweet, chill, and demanding all at the same time.  He’s rocked our world, but we can’t imagine a day without him.  He’s also an easy model for this busy mama.  So I’ll prepare you now that you will often see this face, and fall in love.

Parker 4 months 1 Parker 4 months 2 Parker 4 months 3 Parker 4 months 4 Parker 4 months 5Parker 4 months 6

Think Pink!!!

I was so honored to kick off my first photography session with Daniel and Valerie as they await the arrival of their first baby girl while enjoying a beautiful sunrise!  They have two boys already, but I hope they’re getting ready for lots of pink, tutu’s, and bows.  I’m sure that precious girl will have them wrapped around her finger.  The name may be a secret, but their love for each other is clear.  I wish I looked this great when I was pregnant, hot mama!!  Can’t wait to meet their bundle of joy and celebrate their precious blessing!!!

Maternity Blog 1

Love this one!!!

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“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13

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I love a beach baby!  Nothing like your toes in the sand.

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I LOVE how these sunrise photos turned out.  Beautiful!!!


Maternity Jones 3

Can’t wait to take this one again with their little princess on the outside.


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Maternity Jones 9

Pretty in Pink!